Some might think that the task of making someone instantly like you is a difficult one with many variables and challenges. I look at it in much more simple terms....
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In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m going to share some expert voice tips that will give moms more of what they deserve—attention and appreciation! Moms, you deserve more than just...
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Did you like this episode? Then your friends will, too! Use the link in the upper right corner to share this, making the world sound better, one voice at a time....
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If you’ve said these things, you need the Roger Love Method for Speaking: My words are great.... so why aren’t I getting the reaction I want? I’m the face of...
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Singers aren’t the only ones who need to craft their Perfect Voice. Sculpting a perfect speaking voice may cause you to: Close more deals Express your authentic self Achieve an advantage over...
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1. Where you’re from. 2. How successful you are. 3. How much confidence you have. 4. If you’re worth listening to. 5. If you’re in control or looking for a leader. 6. If you’re energized or uninterested. 7. If you’re mundane or creative. Scientific studies show that…

Roger helped actress Mary Steenburgen with her singing in the new hit movie. The reviews have been great and Mary sounds terrific. For more info go to

I am honored to be the Voice Coach for a new TV series on ABC. It is called “Sing Your Face Off” and it premieres on Saturday, May 31st at…

Last summer I worked on a great film coming out soon. As Vocal Coach, I worked with Keira Knightley and Adam Levine. I THINK YOU WILL LOVE IT!!! Both my…