A commanding voice is not just for high-powered executives, politicians, or star performers. We all have moments when we need to convey a strong message, and we rely on our…
A commanding voice is not just for high-powered executives, politicians, or star performers. We all have moments when we need to convey a strong message, and we rely on our…
There’s no worse feeling than being in a room full of people and being ignored. Suddenly, all of the paranoid thoughts start forming in your head: Why do people ignore…
Let’s face it: some voices are much more pleasant to listen to than others. But it’s not a matter of simply being born with a great voice or being born…
I’m going to tell you what untuned violins and communications courses have in common so you don’t waste another minute running an uphill path that’s not getting you any closer to having the impact and influence you want.
I’m going to tell you what untuned violins and communications courses have in common so you don’t waste another minute running an uphill path that’s not getting you any closer to having the impact and influence you want.
Could your voice be the reason you’re not further ahead in your career by now? The fact is, most people’s voices don’t SOUND like the job title they have. However the most successful people I know have all managed to align who they are as a professional with how they sound when they speak. They enjoy a seamless synergy between how they want to be perceived–all their good intentions and credibility–with the way people actually perceive them, every time they speak.
If you, or someone you know, is an adult but still has a voice that sounds like a kid, I have good news for you! It is simply a case of the wrong choice made from the wrong information to choose from. Watch this video lesson to learn what that means and what you can do to sound better, starting today!
I get it. You’re mad. Somebody did something to somebody, maybe even to you. It made you angry, and you don’t know how to get over it. Your stomach is in knots. Your face is tight. Your blood pressure is boiling! But that doesn’t help you. What can you do?
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