Roger Love Method Certification Refund Policy
Guarantee: If you decide you’re not the right fit to become a certified coach in the Roger Love Method for Speaking, you can receive a full refund when you email Roger before 11:59 PM PT on the night of the 1st Live Coaching Workshop. Starting the day after the 1st live workshop, there are no refunds because you’ll have been given exclusive access to Roger’s time and attention, which is a resource we can’t replenish.
SMS/Mobile Texting
When you become a customer through our sites, you provide your phone number to us and we may use your phone number to confirm orders, deliver promised ongoing training or communication, and to send text updates, promotions, videos, audios, or messages related to Voiceplace or any of its’ brands or programs. You can opt-out of receiving any future text messages by simply replying to any of our text messages at any time with the word STOP.
By signing up for our products or programs you hereby grant us permission to text you until you reply STOP. We do not ever sell or rent your phone number and we only communicate with you regarding relevant Voiceplace programs.
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee or promise any level of earnings. Participant’s level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors including Participant’s skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. Because these factors differ among clients, VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee Participant’s success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. Participant alone is responsible for the actions and results in life and Participant’s business. It should be clear to Participant’s that by law VOICEPLACE makes no guarantees that Participant or Participant’s clients will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented by VOICEPLACE, and VOICEPLACE offers no professional legal, medical, psychological or financial advice.