Never Lose Your Voice Again Refund Submission Form

We believe in our program and have taken great care to make it as valuable and impactful as possible. We’re so sorry to hear that you’d like to request a refund.

True to the terms and conditions you agreed to when you purchased this program (found here), in order to qualify for a refund, by or before 11:59 PM EST on the 15th day after your purchase, you must (1) submit all Refund Proof Pieces as proof that you did the work in the program and it did not work for you and (2) send an email to [email protected] formally stating you would like a refund.

Program Participation

I recognize that in order to request a refund, I must have watched every video and completed all suggested exercises and homework. I must submit proof of this work and participation no later than 11:59 PM EST on the 15th day after my purchase.