In the earlier video I made about vibrato, I taught you that using this technique when you sing will help you sound professional, and add variety and style to your voice and music.
In the earlier video I made about vibrato, I taught you that using this technique when you sing will help you sound professional, and add variety and style to your voice and music.
Karaoke is about more than just standing up and half-botching the words to someone else’s songs. Karaoke is about making memories with friends in a fun setting. It’s working up the courage to share your singing abilities in public. It’s connecting sonically with other people.
Many famous performers have become known for singing styles that are hard on the vocal cords and can potentially damage them. In this lesson, I’ll reveal the celebrity singing styles that could hurt your…
Practicing your daily voice exercises could boost more than your vocal range. Research now shows it could also battle depression, improve your communication abilities, reduce your need for painkillers and so much more.