Lack of self-confidence plagues a lot of people. Realizing how important a strong sense of self-confidence is to our personal and professional success, I wanted to reveal what I believe...
Did you know that people can determine your upper-body strength just by listening to your voice? Keep these scientific findings and three tips in mind and you won’t have to...
Thanks to a scientific publication in The Royal Society, we can stop wondering if most men actually prefer low-pitched female voices. If you’re ready to take your voice—and your dating...
In honor of Father’s Day, I’m going to share some expert voice tips that will give dads more of what they deserve— respect and admiration! Dads, here is a verbal...
Summary This Memorial Day, take time to remember and pay respect to those who mean so much to you, no matter where they are now. If you are attending and...
Some might think that the task of making someone instantly like you is a difficult one with many variables and challenges. I look at it in much more simple terms....
In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m going to share some expert voice tips that will give moms more of what they deserve—attention and appreciation! Moms, you deserve more than just...
Did you like this episode? Then your friends will, too! Use the link in the upper right corner to share this, making the world sound better, one voice at a time....
Singers aren’t the only ones who need to craft their Perfect Voice. Sculpting a perfect speaking voice may cause you to: Close more deals Express your authentic self Achieve an advantage over...